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2018 SS COLA and Medicare Premiums Announced

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for Nov. 24. We hope all of our USA subscribers had a happy Thanksgiving.

As you can see from today's article, this is a busy time of the year for Medicare and Social Security.  As a reminder, the open enrollment periods for Medicare and Obamacare are coming to a close soon, so if you haven't already, go in and review/compare your plans. Medicare open enrollment ends Dec. 7, Obamacare on Dec. 15.

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Last week's most popular article:

Medicare Continued: What You Need to Know About Medigap Insurance

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Evergreen, Colorado

Originally a summer resort for the wealthy and well-connected, this rapidly growing town just east of Denver is in an unusually beautiful setting. Both retirees and young families are moving here for the beauty and access to the outdoors.

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How Tax Reform Might Affect Your Retirement

We had an interesting comment from Peder, who is wondering if the proposed tax reform might mean it is a good time to consider converting his traditional 401(k)s  into Roth IRAs. Here is a short article on that, with some great comments too.

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2018 Medicare A & B Premiums Announced

Part B premiums for many people on Medicare will not go up in 2018.  But individuals who make more than $85,000 will see a rise of about 5%. Those affected by the "hold harmless" clause will see a slight increase.

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Social Security COLA Biggest in Years - 2%!

Every year Social Security announces what the cost of living adjustment (COLA) will be for the next year, based on the rate of inflation. The maximum earnings amount and other figures were announced along with the COLA.

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